Writer’s Joy

Michele Koh Morollo
2 min readMay 6, 2022

Things that make only writers smile.


Friend: I got that job I wanted with that Fortune 500 company I applied to!

Writer: I have this amazing story idea and it’s shaping up nicely.

Friend: I’m getting married!

Writer: I got a rejection letter from “Tin House”…but it’s a really encouraging one, they told me to ‘keep at it’. Woohoo!

Friend: I’m having a baby!

Writer: Some obscure Nantucket e-zine has picked up my story.

Friend: I’m buying a house!

Writer: I found a really good editor, who I can afford.

Friend: Three more months and my mortgage will be fully paid!

Writer: I finally got an agent.

Friend: I’m celebrating my 15th wedding anniversary!

Writer: Bob and I broke up. He says all I do is write and that I don’t give him enough attention. But really, this is a good thing, I’ll finally have more time to write.

Friend: My son graduated with honors!

Writer: A publisher picked up my manuscript!

Friend: My son is getting married!

Writer: My book got a killer review in the Willamette Weekly.

Friend: I’m gonna be a grandma!

Writer: I’m working on this great story, my best one yet. But I’m a little stuck. I’m trying to figure out why my character decided to do that horrible thing she decided to do that basically ruined her life.

